Gaining access to our annual meetings is one of the biggest benefits of joining our local chapter. Below is a list of upcoming events:
2024-2025 GPC-PMTA General & Board Meetings
- Wednesday, September 25 10:00 AM-12:00 PM Bridgeville Panera Bread, 1025 Washington Pike, Bridgeville, PA 15017 – “I Get By With a Little Help From My Friends” Come ready to share your teaching questions and ideas! We really benefit from getting together informally.
- Board Meeting October 9 – 10:00-12:00 on Zoom. Email for the link.
- FRIDAY, October 25 9:00-4:00. PYCO School of Music (150 Lake Dr. Wexford, PA 15090). Joint meeting with PPTA/GPCPMTA featuring Catherine Rollin, “The Magic of Imagery.” Imagery workshop introducing new music from the freshly published Book 4 of her Musical Masterpieces series and how teachers can incorporate imagery into their own lessons. Teachers’ sessions 1 and 2 will be from 9:00am – 12:00pm. The topics will be “The Magic of Imagery” and “Through the Eyes of the Composer”
Session 3 will be masterclasses from 2:00pm – 4:00pm. They will be divided into 2 sessions, Late Elementary – Late Intermediate and Late Intermediate – Early Advanced students. Students will have an opportunity to audition in late September at a date TBD. Check back for details. Please contact Charlene Hubbard @ 412-654-5912 if you have an interested student.”
- FRIDAY, November 15. 10:00AM-12:00PM at PYCO School of Music (150 Lake Dr. Wexford, PA 15090). Shared meeting with PPTA. “Trekking: The Art of Interdisciplinary Collaboration” presented by the Khasma Piano Duo: Ashlee Mack & Katherine Palumbo.
- Wednesday, December 18: Potluck luncheon at Nanette Solomon’s home, 300 North Woodland Rd., Pittsburgh, 15232. Please RSVP with what you would like to bring to Kim Jamison (412) 478-6507 or email her at
- Wednesday, January 15, 2025 at 12:00 PM. Location: PNC Recital Hall Lobby, 1st floor of Mary Pappert School of Music, Duquesne University. 12:00-1:00 PM. Kevin Lee Sun presenting on “Teaching Neurodivergent Students.”
- Wednesday, February 12, 10:00 AM-12:00 PM. Board meeting on Zoom. Email for the link.
- Wednesday, February 26, 10:00 AM-12:00 PM at Jeff Harris’ house: 5740 Wilkins Ave, 15217. Jackie Herbein will lead a book discussion on Breath by James Nestor.
- Wednesday, March 26, 10:00 AM-12:00 PM “Mapping the Arm Structure”, presented by Kay Hooper via Zoom. Email for the link.
- Wednesday, April 9, 10:00 AM-12:00 PM. Board meeting on Zoom. Email for the link..
- Wednesday, April 30, 10:00-12:00 at 3435 Ridgewood Dr. Pittsburgh, PA 15235. New member Luis Hernandez presents piano technician insights.
- Wednesday, May 28, 10:00 AM-12:00 PM General Meeting /Planning Potluck luncheon at Nanette Solomon’s home, 300 North Woodland Rd., Pittsburgh, 15232. Please RSVP with what you would like to bring to Kim Jamison (412) 478-6507 or email her at
Past Meetings
- “I Get by With a Little Help from my Friends”
- Amy Simpson “Practice better, Perform better: Preparing Music Performance According to Modern Neuro-Music Research”
- Dr. Glenn Utsch of Slippery Rock University will provide guidance on how to teach jazz concepts.
- A discussion about pianistic technique by Stan Tucker who studied with Menahem Pressler.
- Jackie Herbein will be sharing about breathing and the physical aspects of playing an instrument.
- Dr. Kevin Lee Sun, “From the Waist Down”
- Melody Bober: “Practice Tips for Musicians and Introducing Composition in the Studio”.
- Bonnie Kellert: “10 Technical Issues Facing Pianists and Suggested Solutions”.
- Liz Ames: “Coaching for the Collaborative Performer”.
- Stanley Tucker: “Journey to Broadway and a discussion on Arm Weight and Relaxation”.
- Group Discussion: “Teaching Nuggets from our Members”.
- David Allen Wehr: “A Masterclass on Chopin Nocturnes”
- Wynn-Anne Rossi: “Spark of Creativity”
- Field Trip: Bayernhof Museum
- Craig Zinger: “Craig Zinger’s Pedagogical Approach”
- Group Discussion: “Motivation: The Key to a Teacher’s Success”
- Frederic Chiu: “Mental Practicing: Learning Without Practicing”
2020-2021 GPC-PMTA General and Board Meetings
- Group Discussion:”Teaching issues related to Covid-19″
- Shelle Soelberg “Sound Beginnings and Let’s Play Music”
- Peter Mack (Zoom Webinar): “The Art of the Phrase”
- Crystal Zimmerman: (Zoom Webinar) “Succeeding with Sonatinas”
- Theresa Bogard (Zoom Webinar) “Memorization Techniques for Performers, Teachers and Students”
- Ingrid Jacobson Clarfied: “The Road to Chopin: From Method Book to first Chopin Pieces
- James Inman, presenter: “from Boulanger to Beck, Teaching Pieces by 20th Century Women”
- Jeff Harris: “The Path to Artistry: How to get There from the Beginning”
- Webinar: Peter Mack, presenter “The Art of Phrasing”
- Yeeha Chiu, presenter: “Practical Solutions for Student Practice”
- Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric: Using the Trivium Model for Musical Interpretation by Kevin Olson
- Performance Anxiety: Exploring the Physical Connection by Jackie Herbein
- Music Therapy 101 by Rebecca Lewis
- Book Discussion: The Success Factor in Piano Teaching by Elvina T. Pearce
- Chad Twedt: The Art of Rubato.
- Wendy Stevens (video): Marketing, Taxes, Business Entities, and Liability for the Piano Teacher.
- Timothy Schaffer: The Heart and Head Genius of Kabalevsky
- Testing, Teaching, Training (Marina Lupinacci)
- Technic Symposium (Group Discussion led by Jeff Harris)
- Strategies to help Students (and teachers) compose (Stephen Hartke, joint with PPTA)
- Coffehouse Chat
- Burgmuller Bash – 25 New Second Piano Arrangements presented and composed by Chad Twedt (performance by Chad Twedt and other teachers)
- April 2018: Teaching and Performing Schumann (Dr. Caroline Oltmanns, joint with PPTA)
- The Right Wrong Notes: Contemporary Piano Literature for Intermediate Students (Nanette Solomon)
- Contemporary Chording Techniques for Improvisation (Rick Gallagher)
- Coffeehouse Chat
- Don’t Just Practice, MetaPractice! (Chad Twedt)
- How Motion Affects Sound (Sheila Paige, joint with PPTA)
- Sight Reading (Tom Hill)
- Motivating Students (Linda Kobler)
- Creativity in Hard Times: The Federal Music Project of the 1930s (Leslie Amper, joint with PPTA)
- Teaching Group Lessons (Group Discussion led by Dee Ann Symington)
- Improvisation II (Group Discussion led by Jo Ann Wagstaff)
- Teaching Students How to Practice (Group Discussion)
- Pop Music (Scott Anderson)
- Stride Piano & The Chaplin Project (Tom Roberts)
- Coffeehouse Chat (Group Discussion)
- Suzuki Method (Kiki Barley)
- Technology (Group Discussion)
- Teaching Creativity (Group Discussion led by Chad Twedt)
- Uncovering the Secrets of Pedaling (Bonnie Kellert, joint with PPTA)
- The Truth About Small Hands (Deborah Rambo Sinn, joint with PPTA)
- YouTube/App/Website Sharing (Group Discussion led by Chad Twedt)
- The Art of Rubato (Chad Twedt)
- The Use of Improvisation in the Music Study (Isaac Steiner)
- Listening is just the beginning: a critic’s life (Andrew Druckenbrod, Post-Gazette Classical Music Critic, joint with PPTA)
- Book Discussion: Not Until You’ve Done Your Practice: The classic survival guide for kids who are learning a musical instrument, but hate practicing by Philip Johnston
- Some Women’s Work That’s Never Done: Intermediate and Early Advanced Piano Literature by Women Composers (Nanette Kaplan Solomon, professor, Slippery Rock University)
- Outside the Methods: Quality Repertoire in the First Three Years (Group Discussion led by Elizabeth Burnett)
- The Art of Playing from a Lead Sheet or Fake Book & The Mystery of Chord Symbols (Bob Hilf)
- Music, the Brain, and the iGeneration: Teaching the Acoustic in a Digital Age (Andrea McAllister, joint with PPTA)
- Book Review: Talent is Overrated by Geoff Colvin (Group Discussion led by Jo Ann Wagstaff)
- Unique Sight Reading Strategies (Group Discussion led by Lee Kikuchi)
- A Joyful Noise: Come and Play with Us (Jo Ann Wagstaff improvisation session leader)
- Book Review: A Soprano on her Head by Eloise Ristad (Group Discussion led by Jackie Herbein)
- 10 Technical Issues Facing Pianists and Suggested Solutions (Bonnie Kellert, joint with PPTA)
- Music History for Kids (Group Discussion led by Deb Busche
- What in the World Are They Thinking? A Discussion About Teaching Children to Read Music (Group Discussion led by Jo Ann Wagstaff)
- Performance Opportunities for Students (Group Discussion led by Deb Busche)
- Beethoven and the High School Pianist (Dr. Steven Smith, joint with PPTA)
- Haydn and Mendelssohn Teaching Pieces (Group Discussion led by Jeffry Harris)
- Book Review: William Westney’s The Perfect Wrong Note (Group Discussion led by Jackie Herbein)
- Notational Software and the Music Publishing Industry (Robert Schultz)
- Share Your Favorite Pedagogical teaching pieces (Group Discussion led by Ellen Johnson)
- Beyond the Bench: Non-teaching aspects of the job (Group Discussion led by Lee Kikuchi)
- Instructional Games for the Occasional Group Lesson – bring your favorite ideas to share (Group Discussion led by Ellen Johnson)
- The Lesson: Overwhelming or Just Right? A discussion on pacing and planning the music lesson (Group Discussion led by Sue Garnhart)
- Toys and Tools (Jacqueline Herbein, joint with PPTA)
- Music Reading (Jo Ann Wagstaff)
- Only Pianists begin with Middle C: A critical assessment of how theory is taught to non-pianists (Lee Kikuchi)
- Nurtured by Love by Suzuki (Group Discussion led by Candy Hutchins)
- Robert Vandall Workshop (joint with PPTA)
- What We Do for the Money We Earn and How to Communicate that to Students (Group Discussion led by Elizabeth Burnett)
- After the Method Books: A Discussion of Piano Literature (Group Discussion)
- A Workshop for Piano Teachers: Reading, Technique, Interpretation (Marvin Blickenstaff, joint with PPTA)
- Pedaling with Style: From Baroque to Fox-Trots (Nancy Bachus, joint with PPTA)
- Teaching with Technology (Becky Lewis)
- Discussion on The Practice Revolution (Group Discussion)
- Pupil Savers: A Discussion of Favorite Teaching Pieces (Group Discussion)
- How Motion Affects Sound (Shelia Page)
- BYO Teaching and Studio Policy/Business Questions/Social
- Teaching Beginning Technique (Group Discussion)
- Self-Directed Practice: The Key to Student Success and Motivation (Elvina Truman Pearce, joint with PPTA)
- The Zen of Piano Teaching (Group Discussion)
- Alexander Technique (Lisa Levinson)
- Preparation and Timing for Performance (Group Discussion)
- Training Students as Accompanists (Luz Manriquez)
- Composition in the Lesson (Elizabeth Burnett)
- BYO Teaching and Studio Policy/Business Questions/Social
- For Pianists Only: Sequencing Repertoire (Group Discussion led by Jeffry Harris)
- What We Charge and Why (Beth Klingenstein)
- Problem Students and Parents, Firing Students (Group Discussion led by Elizabeth Burnett)
- Russian Teaching Techniques in America (Katherine Fefer)
- Insurance and Liability (Jerry Stahovic)
- Share a Teaching QUestion (Group Discussion led by Eileen Nadzam)
- For Pianists Only: A Comparison of Method Books (Group Discussion led by Connie Kean)
- Intermediate Piano Literature by Twentieth Century Women Composers (Becky Billock)
- Capture the Spirit…..of the Romantic Period (Nancy Bachus, joint with PPTA)
- How to Fine Tune Your Taxes-Don’t End the Year on a Flat Note (Johanna Guehl, C.P.A.)
- Dealing with Teacher Burnout (Group Discussion led by Deb Busche)
- Seldom Encountered Treasures for the Intermediate/Early Advanced Student (Deb Ronning)
- Suzuki and Traditional Music Lessons: Parallels and Contrasts (Jo Ann Wagstaff)
- Share Your Favorite Pedagogical Teaching Pieces (Group Discussion led by Sue Garnhart)
- Capture the Spirit…of the Classical Period (Nancy Bachus, joint with PPTA)
- Performance Anxiety (Sanna Carapellotti)
- Meeting the Challenge of Teaching High School Students (Group Discussion led by Deb Busche)
- It’s Not Just About the Fingers: A Look at Technique Books and Exercises (Jacqueline Herbein)
- An Invitation to Create: How to guide students on the path to successful, rewarding student composition (Carol Klose, joint with PPTA)
- The Dummy’s Guide to Creating a Studio Computer Lab (Group Discussion led by Rebecca Lewis)
- Polish Up Your Policy: Exploring New Ideas for the Upcoming Year (Group Discussion led by Connie Kean)
(no historical records – please contact the webmaster if you have information on this year)
(no historical records – please contact the webmaster if you have information on this year)
- Vroom! Making Your Studio Run Better (Paula Terrana)
- The Well-Organized Music Teacher (Group Discussion)
- Careers in Music (Nancy Boston)
- Music Advocacy and the Private Teacher (Rebecca Lewis)
- What Music Majors Entering College Should Know (Eugene Alcalay)
- MTNA Convention Wrap-Up (Group Discussion)
- Performance/Social
- We Teach Who We Are (Christine Kefferstan)
- Policies and Business Practices (Group Discussion)
- Judging (Group Discussion)
- Creating and Composing (Bill Tobin)
- Favorite Pieces by Lesser-Known Composers (Group Discussion)
- Teaching Rhythm – From Simple to Complex (Group Discussion)
- Performance/Social
- Play it Any Way – Improvisation Techniques (Lyn Gentry)
- Method Book Review (Group Discussion)
- Ensemble Music (Group Discussion)
- Business Organization of Your Studio (Group Discussion)
- Communication with Parents and Students (Group Discussion)
- Performance/Social
- Tricks of the Trade (Group Discussion)
- Avoiding Sour Notes: Prevention and Detection of Sexual Harassment Claims (John A. Lee)
- Certification (Beverly Taylor)
- Computer Software
- The Legacy of Tobias Matthay (Dorothy Whitlinger)
- Performance/Social
- Teaching of Technique (Group Discussion)
- Humor in Music (Dominic Intili)
- Piano Technicians Guild Q&A (Randy Mangus and David Barr)
- Reconsideration of French Piano Music at the Turn of the Century (Henry Spinelli)
- Music Marketing to Enhance Your Career
- Performance/social